Knowing your needs is not enough to determine the right web package. You will definitely need an expert who can analyze your needs and suggest what is appropriate for you. Website are not built equally. The team’s resources and values will help you know what you need, validating if your wants can produce results.
There is a general classification of WebtoGo packages which you can choose from:
a) Full Package - The service includes e-business consultancy, design work, content write-up or editing, online marketing , and web maintenance.
b) Standard Package - The service includes the customized design, and web maintenance services.
c) Basic Package - The package includes only set-up of website by uploading your logo, pictures, and write-ups.
WebToGo realizes how your brand should be depicted and how you want this echoed in your website, the company’s representative in the diverse world of Online Marketing.
We will help develop a stronger marketing approach that will intensify your marketing plan. WebToGo will provide you your competitive advantage!
Let’s discuss the scope of your needs and the customization you require, get a free quotation now and determine the many opportunities online marketing can bring you!